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Just Race! That is the motto I believe in, and which I took to the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and came out stronger for it. 

I believe that the road I have chosen is difficult and tough. It is the road that began with a dream 8 years ago — the dream of one day becoming a world champion.


Over the past 8 years, it has taken dedication and patience and faith to see that long dream come so close. 4th place at Tokyo 2020 was a close miss at glory. But the process has not ended yet and I have enjoyed every moment of the experience so far. The story is not over; the story is still being written. 


I believe that any moment of glory will speak for itself, and that striving for one's dream is a worthy goal in of itself. My purpose on this earth is to follow my dreams and to inspire others to follow theirs too. 

People exist in a constant state of becoming. People do not exist as static entities, but instead live as an ever-changing, dynamic mode of existence. As Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari wrote, "Make rhizomes, not roots, never plant! Don't sow, grow offshoots! Don't be one or multiple, be multiplicities!"


I believe that it is only in the realisation of this fact that people can begin to live freely. They will realise the latent dreams inside of themselves and be unafraid to imagine new becomings and possible worlds.


No matter the circumstance, each person has a potential for a new becoming. I hope to use my influence, not as an athlete but instead as a chaser of dreams, to inspire others to do the same — to remind them that life is for living, and that no matter our circumstances, there is always a potential to become a greater version of ourselves. And that this is a worthwhile dream.

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